Livingston Parish Public Works (Livingston) has had a need to evaluate flooding conditions within the Felder Bayou watershed, a subbasin of West Colyell Creek. Infrastructure surrounding Felder Bayou experiences frequent inundation under normal rainfall events, namely areas between Brown Road and Hood Road. It is DDG’s understanding that while land developments throughout the watershed are increasingly considered, a moratorium has been put in place to allow for further investigations into flood risks such as presented throughout this scope. The information collected during these efforts have contributed to an understanding of the existing conditions and Livingston’s anticipated comprehensive plan for revising development ordinances, land use, zoning, and maintenance efforts. To achieve the goals of this project for Livingston, DDG is undergoing the following tasks:
• Discovery includes the identification of pertinent data to assemble, collection and review of data and models, planning for subsequent use and management of data and models, and a Technical Memorandum documenting purpose, progress, and plan;
• Hydrology + Hydraulics includes compilation of existing information to develop a baseline conditions model, modifications to the baseline conditions model to represent proposed conditions, comparison of design storm simulations of proposed vs baseline conditions, and a Draft and Final Report documenting purpose, methods, and assessment results;
• Improvements includes identification of improvement alternatives, preliminary feasibility of alternatives, modeling selected alternatives and assessing model results with recommendations, a Draft and Final report documenting purpose, alternatives, methods, results, and recommendations;
• Inventory Development includes creation of an inventory for data and models collected; development, distribution, and management of public surveys; application development and publication of maps and data; and a Technical Memo documenting purpose, inventory, polls, and application(s) developed.